
How to Prepare Your Flock for Molt

How to Prepare Your Flock for Molt

It’s hard to imagine that dreaded time of year is almost upon us, you guessed it, molt. Even though molt is a very natural process for poultry, it doesn’t make it any easier as a flock owner. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare for the less-favorable chicken molting season. Be proactive – Supplemental light, especially in the winter months, is a great consideration for your flock. Hens 18 months or older can benefit from this practice, and it can possibly lessen the extreme experiences of molt. Feed adjustments – Now is the time to dial up the protein and cut...

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Managing Mineral Intake

Managing Mineral Intake

Minerals are an important part of the total ration for cows and calves. They are necessary for reproduction, health, growth and milk production. In most areas, minerals are not adequate in the forage or concentrate and must be provided. Many times, that is in the form of a free-choice product in a mineral feeder. It’s a common thought that cows will regulate themselves on mineral and will eat the amount they need, but there are so many factors impacting intake that you can’t depend on the cow to balance her own needs. Two factors that can be easily adjusted are...

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August Garden Tips

August Garden Tips

August is a tough time for gardeners. However, as many know when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is the time of the year after a hot summer where many anticipate production and harvesting to come to an end. For the experienced gardener, it’s a time to get even more out of your garden! Think of August as your second wind. It’s time to uncover that last bit of potential and to prove that your garden is much hardier than you ever imagined. To achieve these results, it only takes a little more effort and a few...

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Pest Management Tips For Your Garden

Pest Management Tips For Your Garden

If you have committed yourself to building a garden, then you have also committed yourself to fighting off pests. If it hasn’t happened yet, consider yourself lucky. At some point every gardening enthusiast will need to manage pests to protect their garden. Learn how to prevent pests from plaguing your garden by following these simple tips and techniques that can give you an advantage on managing pests. The easiest way to keep pests from invading your garden is to keep them from entering in the first place by building a healthy garden.  To establish a healthy garden, use fresh organic...

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Make the Most of Your Garden with Home Canning

Make the Most of Your Garden with Home Canning

The process of canning and preserving foods takes place for many reasons. For the gardener in all of us, home canning is a way to take all of the hard work that was done outside, and bring it inside. Canning allows us to extend the life of farm to table by ensuring you get the most out of your garden. Not only is canning and preserving economical, it’s also experimental because it makes us use foods and ingredients that might not be in the market or no longer in season.  While canning may seem like a new challenging task that...

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